We have more than one business in which one definitely suits you.
No.1: Single Account
Buy any product of your interest (MST Pendant $65) (Energetic Bracelet $80, $100) (AMWand $100) and get an online account with plan 1/1 = $11.80 commission. Just recommend any two in your whole life to join this and tell those two to bring two, two and tell these four to bring two and you will be succeeded.
You are earning not by MLM, Pyramid scheme or level wise income, its simple binary system whenever your pair matches you get paid. You can earn $1,534.00 (PKR 130,000) weekly and
$6,136.00 (PKR 520,000) per month maximum.Suppose if you have 800 downlines on both sides they all give one entry in a month then you will have new 800 people on both sides and your commission will be $9,440 (PKR 800,000) but you will get only $6,136 (PKR 520,000) maximum in one month.
If you want to earn more then switch to Plan No. 2.
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